This is it! The final week next week, and I'm completely engaged in a programme I didn't even think I'd enjoy. Broadchurch is one of the most well written dramas I've ever seen - it is so real and brilliant, and the acting is superb. It's a great cast, a great script, great music, and now everyone's guessing who they think did it.
In my previous Detective's Notebook I outlined some suspicions and questions - "who's the father of Beth's baby", "what link do Susan and Nige have", "why does Nige have a crossbow" and "what happened to Mark Latimer in those missing two hours". Three of those, well pretty much, have been answered. We know Mark's the dad, which is surprisingly sensible, Susan and Nige are mother and son (which I didn't see coming) and Nige is weird so he owns a crossbow. Oh and he does pheasant stuff and went out on trips with Danny, so. We don't know what happened to Mark in those missing hours... And we still don't know why the Latimer clocks stopped in episode one..
Considering the five minute mystery at the start of the episode one (with the missing oil from the tractor) has been solved - maybe the Latimer clocks are important. There also things to update concerning Jack Marshall. I said it definitely wasn't him, or Mark, and I expect I'm right. I hope so - 'cos Jack Marshall threw himself off a cliff at the end of episode five anyway.
So it's time to update the suspect list. I'd pick up on Nige and Susan being weird and having a connection - and they did, but now Susan says Nige dragged the body onto the beach.. So with that in mind; who are my suspects?
Suspect A - Joe Miller (with Tom)
Yes, Miller's husband is still my top choice. It has to be him. He's bald, Nige is bald (thanks to Twitter for pointing that out) so Susan could easily have expected to see Nige, knowing he'd be capable of that, but would have actually seen Joe. And there's definitely something going on, or there was, between Tom and Danny. Tom and Danny sent messages (which Hardy the Detective says "of course" to) to each other which Tom was frantically trying to delete. We know Tom and Danny fell out, and Reverend Paul Coates says that he thought Tom mother's, which is Miller the Detective, knew about the fighting and falling out. She didn't. So maybe her husband said she knew. Maybe her husband found out about some Tom/Danny trouble, possibly involving the £500 in Danny's bedroom, and Joe sorted it. Did Tom send Danny messages saying he'd meet him at the hut where the murder happened?
So - Joe Miller, because of Tom. Which is what I believed after episode four - "We know that Miller's son (Danny's best friend) is hiding something, and
perhaps Joe found out about this and acted to stop his son getting
found out? Joe would also have a more emotional impact if it turned out
to be him".
Or it could just be Tom, with Joe dragging the body. Tom is "that much bigger" than Danny anyway, according to Rory (I mean Paul) the Vicar.
Other Suspicions:
To be honest, it is Joe/Tom, no doubt, in my eyes. But I'm hoping that there's a further twist to surprise me. And I still believe innocent reporter Olly Stevens could have something to do with it. Or; does Steve Connolly have more secrets, or is he just a psychic? Probably that.
And one last suspicion, which I'm half hoping it was..
Could it have been DI Hardy..? Or even Chloe Latimer's boyfriend? Those would be real shocks. Especially the latter - I would be truly amazed. After all - Chloe Latimer's boyfriend doesn't have too much hair...
It definitely wasn't:
Paul Coates, that's too obvious, though maybe he knew something. And I'm pretty sure Nige and Susan are actually innocents in this case.
With the murderer, the clocks, and Danny's secret paintballing and pheasant trips with Nige and various others, still to be solved - HURRY UP NEXT WEEK!
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